Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Summer Bucket List

Hello, there. I used to blog here, and I blogged here a lot last year when I was going through a particularly unpleasant bout with depression. Hopefully one day I can write in detail about it, but for now, I'm relishing in simply feeling SO! MUCH! BETTER! and working on rebuilding a few things I let slide during my depression- namely, my marriage and my career.

I've reverted all my old posts to drafts and hope to go back through and republish a few that I feel comfortable sharing. Maybe!

The truth is, I miss blogging. It's fun, and it's really helpful for me to share my brain and life with the lovely people of the Internet, and I missed it.

It's finally summer and here are a few things I insist on doing while the sun is still shining until 8:00 pm (also known as... an hour before my bedtime).

1. Spend a few days at the beach. (VA Beach, July) Not to get all cheesy, but the beach is really healing for me. There are nothing but good memories of the beach and spending time there with friends and family. My poor husband doesn't love the beach (he's a freak that way) but he'll suffer through a few days of sand and heat for me. I don't even have a particular beach I want to go to... I just want to go! Whatever is closest to us will probably be it.

2. Visit Grammy in the mountains. The husband's grandmother, affectionately named Grammy, spends her summers in Western North Carolina. This is the first time she'll be packing up and moving her home base hours away since her husband, our Poppy, died last Thanksgiving. So, I want to visit her for us (because we love Boone) and also to check in on her.

3. Read at least one nonfiction book. I read about 100 books a year, and I'd say 70% of them are young adult fiction. I used to be really into nonfiction, but it can be hard to read when you use books as a means of escape. I'd like to start and finish at least one this summer! I've checked out my Goodreads and found the following on my list of To Reads but I'm definitely open to suggestions!

4. Protest something at a... protest.
5. Whitewater raft at the US National Whitewater Center in Charlotte.

6. Spend a day at the museums in Raleigh.

7. Try at least two new restaurants. (July!)

8. Get some purple in my hair. Purple is my favorite color and I wish I was brave enough to have beautiful lavender hair. Alas, I am not and I'm also not wealthy enough to deal with the upkeep! But that isn't going to stop me from putting some purple in my hair at some point this summer!

9. Go two consecutive days without spending any money. I'm out all day from 9ish-5ish. It's hard to remember to bring everything I could possibly want to eat and drink during that time... so I spend a lot of money. It's really terrible! Today, for example, I've had lunch out and I'm having dinner out. It needs to stop!

10. Attend 3 different places of worship. As the "skeptical" in my name suggests, I'm an atheist. We're Jewish atheists, to be exact. I've always been interested in and fascinated by different religions and I've been to all kinds of places of worship. It's been years since I've been to a Catholic mass (and there's a lovely church down the street from work) so that's a given, and I would *love* to attend a service at Word of Faith Fellowship. They've been in the news recently for being batshit crazy and kidnapping a gay teen. Right up my alley. (Bat mitzvah service, 5/16/15)

11. Have a hotdog at a baseball game. I don't even like baseball or hotdogs, but something about the two together is magical. (Work event, May)

12. Learn something new. A fact, a skill, whatever.

13. Attend at least one book signing. I collect signed books and need to add to my collection! (Sara Benincasa, July)

14. Go to a drive in movie. This used to be a monthly activity during the summers of my youth. I want to bring this back!

15. Have a picnic.

Thanks for stopping by!

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